home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 n$="[163][183][184][162][185][175][164][163][183][184][162][185][175][164]"
- 2 printchr$(14)
- 3 gosub 1000
- 5 dimse%(256)
- 10 ch=8:dr=0
- 15 z$=chr$(0)
- 17 poke198,0
- 18 print"[147][201]nsert the correct disk & press a key":poke198,0:wait198,1
- 19 getk$
- 20 open15,8,15
- 30 open8,8,8,"#"
- 32 print#15,"b-p:";8;0
- 45 print#15,"u1:";ch;dr;18;0
- 50 input#15,a,a$,b$,c$
- 60 :
- 62 ifa<>0thenprint"[217]ou just had a disk error!"
- 70 ifa<>0thenprinta,a$,b$,c$:close8:close15:goto18
- 80 forx=0to255:get#8,a$
- 90 se%(x)=asc(a$+z$)
- 100 print".";:next
- 110 print"[147]disk name = ";
- 120 forx=144to161:printchr$(se%(x));:next
- 130 print
- 135 print"id = ";
- 140 printchr$(se%(162))chr$(se%(163))
- 150 print
- 160 input"new header [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";h$
- 170 iflen(h$)<0orlen(h$)>16thenprint"[145]";:goto160
- 200 print:print:print"all this o.k.?":poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$:ifk$<>"y"andk$<>"n"then200
- 210 ifk$="n"then150
- 220 forx=1tolen(h$)
- 230 se%(x+143)=asc(mid$(h$,x,1))
- 240 next
- 245 :
- 250 if144+len(h$)<161thenforx=144+len(h$)to161:se%(x)=160:next
- 260 :
- 270 rem se%(162)=asc(left$(id$,1))
- 280 rem se%(163)=asc(right$(id$,1))
- 290 :
- 300 print#15,"b-p:";8;0
- 310 forx=0to255
- 320 print#8,chr$(se%(x));:print".";
- 330 nextx
- 332 print
- 340 :
- 350 print#15,"u2:";ch;dr;18;0
- 355 input#15,a,a$,b$,c$
- 356 printa,a$,b$,c$
- 560 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 570 poke781,24:poke782,13:sys65520
- 580 print"<another disk?>"
- 585 print#15,"i0"
- 590 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$="y"then:close8:close15:goto17
- 600 close8:close15
- 700 goto63000
- 1000 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke53280,6:print""
- 1010 print:print:print:print" [200][197][193][196][197][210][160][195][200][193][206][199][197][210]"
- 1020 print:print:print:print" by"
- 1030 print:print:print:print" [193]lan [199]ardner"
- 1032 print" [195]irca 1984"
- 1040 gosub2000
- 1050 :
- 1060 print"[147] [206]ow you can change the header on any":print
- 1070 print"of your disks. ":print:print
- 1080 print" [212]he program will read in the original":print
- 1090 print"header and id and print these out. [217]ou":print
- 1100 print"will then be prompted for a new header.":print
- 1110 print" [193]fter entering this you will be ":print
- 1120 print"asked if your input is o.k. [201]f not, ":print
- 1130 print"you can change it again. [201]f your":print
- 1140 print"input is o.k. it will then change the ":print
- 1150 print"header on your disk."
- 1160 gosub2000
- 1170 :
- 1200 return
- 2000 rem <press a key> stuff
- 2010 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 2020 poke781,23:poke782,13:sys65520:print"<press a key>"
- 2030 forx=1tolen(n$)
- 2032 a$=mid$(n$,x,1):b$=mid$(n$,len(n$)-x+1,1)
- 2040 poke781,23:poke782,11:sys65520:printa$
- 2045 poke781,23:poke782,28:sys65520:printb$
- 2050 nextx
- 2060 getk$:ifk$=""then2030
- 2070 return
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end